Author: Will Leifer

Happiful Magazine Interview on Dream Interpretation
What can dreams tell us about our mental health? BY KAT NICHOLLS Freud called them ‘the royal road to the unconscious’, but what do our dreams really mean, and can they help to manage our mental health? I’m walking around a labyrinth of a building, looking for a bathroom, but when…
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Dreaming More in the lockdown? Why that’s an opportunity….
In my work as a therapist, I have long had an interest in working with dreams. Dreams provide a direct route to the emotional brain; often showing us at night aspects of the underlying emotional reality of our lives that we are simply too busy to acknowledge during the day….
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A Really Simple Technique that helps with anxiety
There is so much anxiety in the world today. Anxiety-related issues are by far the biggest search terms people google when they are looking for counselling. In this article, I would like to look at how our natural response to anxiety can increase it, and how a different, counter-intuitive response can…
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Joker Review
Writing this review, I had to ask myself, what more can one say about Joker? Probably the most controversial, and also one of the most popular, movies of the year? And is there any way that my own expertise as a therapist could be of any use in thinking about…
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Why is it so hard to like yourself?
Many of us have struggled at points in our lives to like ourselves. This can range from feeling dissatisfied with who we are and wanting to change to, at the most extreme end of the spectrum, wondering if we even deserve to exist. In this short article, I am going to…
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